The use of e-Portfolios to enhance and assess learning in higher education context towards ontology network-based portfolio management
Uso de e-portfolios
In educational contexts marked by high technological availability, it is necessary to ask ourselves about new pedagogical challenges of our time. Intellectual associations that are established daily with different types of digital technology have changed the social interactions, schemes of perception and representation of the world and, fundamentally, the way people learn and produce knowledge. A new training scenario that demands a redefinition of methods, organization and learning processes with assessment systems, the notion of classes and the traditional concept of teacher / learner role arises, thus, leading to the appearance and development of emerging educational practices. At present, with regard to the assessment procedures implemented in situations of learning mediated by technology (e-learning), the portfolios constitute a key tool since it enables customization of teaching and self-regulation of learning process. Its educational benefits are many and vary, although there are certain limitations in their use as regards its pedagogical validity as an assessment tool, its complex technological nature and interoperability. The approach of semantic technologies and ontological engineering applied to e-learning give concrete answers in this regard. This paper reflects on the inherent characteristics and types of use of e-portfolios (portfolios mediated by technologies) while communicate fundaments, objectives and methodology of a research proposal that has as main purpose the design of a framework based on an ontology network to support portfolio management to assess learning in e-learning environments, considering the domain of the portfolios, the domain of educational resources and areas of knowledge to be evaluated.